Six Star Peel

The Six Star Peel is a sensational dermal peel infused with 3 Types of Vitamin C for intense Brightening and Collagen Stimulation. Formulated with supplementary Nicotinamide for Redness and Pigmentation this peel increases cell turnover with the power of AHA and BHAs to assist in decreasing the appearance of pores and texture additionally. Most results are from 1-4 Sessions with skincare use.
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Whats the Difference Between the Mini and the Full Version?

The Six Star Peel Mini has less peeling and only slight flakiness. It starts to peel later rather than sooner and less units and dosage are used. This means the results aren't as fantastic as the Six Star Peel Full Version but are more effective than a no downtime. The Full is equivalent to 3 minis.

Can I Wear Makeup Afterwards?

You can't wear makeup the same day after the procedure as you need to leave on the solution for 6 hours. But the next day you can. Just make sure the makeup is PEG free.

Whats Aftercare Like?

Keep out of the sun for 2 weeks post procedure. Don't peel the skin manually let it peel naturally. Reapply SPF twice a day for 2 weeks post procedure.

 For 1-2 weeks post procedure your skin will experience symptoms of sunburn (redness) and purging (acne coming to the surface, this will subside after the purging is done). You may experience if you have acne underneath the skin a phenomena known as purging which will clear in 1-2 weeks post procedure. This is the skins way of clearing everything out.

Don’t wax anything where the treatment is performed including eyebrows for 2-3 weeks post procedure, if you wax it will tear the skin.
After your procedure. Do not continually touch your skin unless you are performing your aftercare routine.Do not sweat or go swimming until 3-7 days have past from time of completed peeling.
You can still wear makeup post procedure during peeling as the top layer of skin is inactive and forms a barrier between pollutants.
 If you have work/uni that requires some outdoor activities you must wear a brimmed hat, sunnies and slather your SPF on and actively persist to avoid the sun. Even if you are indoors you still must wear SPF as light rays bounce off surfaces. If you can visibly see in front of you— there is presence of UV light that will damage your skin.

Aftercare for this type of procedure with downtime must be purchased from the Double Bay Cosmeceuticals Line.

Aftercare can look like this: Cleanser ($89), Serum($129) and Moisturiser($89-$149). These products will be your new regular skincare routine wth your own desired SPF.

These products are superposed active products formulated with the correct amounts of humectants, occlusives and emollients for each skin type and concern. They have no fragrance phalates, are vegan, and cruelty free. It is imperative only Double Bay Cosmeceuticals is used post procedure to achieve an effective treatment. Use of other skincare may result in worse off skin condition due to unknown formulation contraindications.IMPORTANT NOTES: Don’t Forget to change your pillow case when you sleep after a skin procedure.

When Can I Expect Results?

After 2-4 Weeks Depending on Condition of Your Skin.

How Often Can I Have This Done and How Many Sessions Are Recommended?

This type of treatment should be performed every 6-8 weeks. 

We recommend 1-5 sessions until the skin is cleared and maintenance no downtime treatments to keep up the results.

Is there Another Procedure I Can Combine This With For Maximum Results?

For Acne Prone Skin Types we recommend combining this procedure with a face laser and sebaceous tapping for optimal results. 

Sebaceous Tapping  works by manipulating the sebaceous gland through radio frequency to decrease the rate of sebum production on overactive breakouts to normalise skin function. Therefore combining the two treatments results in treatment as well as reduces the reoccurring breakouts in the future.

We recommend face laser as we thin out and kill the hair follicle. Acne originates in the hair follicle, if the hair follicle is reduced we have a lower chance of reoccurring acne.

For Heavily Pigmented Hyperpigmentation Thats Not Melasma (hormonal pigmentation) You should combine this with CO2.

Side Effects

Post treatment your skin will be flushed due to proteins of your skin reacting with acids to help desquamate the skin. This is apart of the process and can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days due to increased collagen production (what we want for plump skin).
Side Effects of this treatment come from improper aftercare.

Improper SPF Application: SPF still needs to be worn indoors and on cloudy days as there is still a presence of UV radiation. SPF needs to be applied every 3 hours during peak UV times (apply 2x a day). 

Peeling the Skin Manually instead of letting it Peel on its own: this will peel into deeper layers of the skin which will cause permanent scarring which is difficult to get rid of. 

When proper aftercare is followed you will have an easy and successful treatment.

After I Recieve My Glass Skin What Should I Do To Make It Last As Long As Possible?

You should use the at home peel kit once a month as part of the skin cell cycle every 4-6 weeks and maintain your normal skincare routine if you are unable to make it to the clinic every 1.5-3 months.

Otherwise make sure to schedule your maintenance appointments in advance every 1.5-2 months to keep up your youthful glass skin.

Who Is Not a Suitable Candidate For This Procedure?

Contraindications for Photosensitive Treatments:

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should avoid photosensitive treatments.

Photosensitive Medications:

Antibiotics: Individuals currently on or within 4 weeks of completing antibiotic treatment should avoid photosensitive treatments.

Roaccutane/Isotretinoin: Individuals currently on or within 6 months of completing Roaccutane or Isotretinoin treatment should avoid photosensitive treatments.

Medical Conditions:

Autoimmune Disorders: Individuals with autoimmune disorders may be at increased risk of adverse reactions to photosensitive treatments.

Allergies: Individuals with peanut or fish allergies should avoid photosensitive treatments due to the potential for cross-reactions.

Cancer and Chemotherapy: Individuals with a history of cancer or currently undergoing chemotherapy should avoid photosensitive treatments.

Skin Sensitivity:

Sun Exposure: Individuals who spend more than 3 hours a day in the sun for work may be at increased risk of sun sensitivity and should avoid photosensitive treatments.

Extremely Sensitive Skin: Individuals with extremely sensitive skin may be more prone to adverse reactions to photosensitive treatments.

Skin Conditions:

Active Coldsores, Dermatitis, Eczema, or Psoriasis: Individuals with active coldsores, dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis should avoid photosensitive treatments to prevent exacerbation of these conditions.


Individual Results Vary According to Skin Tolerance, Lifestyle and Genetics.

Our capacity to deliver exceptional results remains consistent, yet the ultimate outcome depends significantly on the client’s lifestyle choices, genetic predisposition, and consistency in their skincare regimen.


Vitamin A stamping is a skincare procedure that involves applying a concentrated vitamin A serum to the skin using a stamping device. This technique allows for deeper penetration of the serum, enhancing its effectiveness. This process stimulates collagen production and can help improve skin texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and promote a more youthful complexion. This procedure will purge the skin dramatically and does take more than one session.
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Using a Customised Peel Combo we create a hero chest and back treatment for extremely effective results on hyperpigmentation, acne, red marks and sun related pigmentation. We do this through increasing cell turnover in combination with extremely safe tyrosinase inhibitors and exfoliating agents.
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